Wednesday, January 19, 2011

2 Policy Reminders

Here are two policy reminders that we need to keep in mind:

1. We cannot accept book donations at this branch. We are in the process of weeding materials from the shelves and either selling them through our book sale or sending them down to CMS to be withdrawn / sold at the book cellar. We do not have the capacity to take in any additional materials. We can advise people to bring their donations to the main library for the book sale.

2. The bulletin board, table, flyer/brochure case is intended only for non-profit organizations that are not selling products or services. We cannot provide advertising space for businesses.

1 comment:

  1. Sorry I haven't responded to our blog site. I'm a little blog-challenged. But I think I have the hang of it now.
    On Saturday, before we opened, a woman came with some books that she said she wanted to donate and had spoken to someone and gotten the ok to bring them. There's just a few in a bag next to your desk Matt. Had more to comment on but we're closing. So will add more on Wednesday now that I know how.
